When The Gluten Complimentary Community Is Purpose Of The Problem

I'll start past times proverb this: I am together with hence supremely grateful for the back upwards I've received from the gluten gratuitous together with celiac community.

hospitalized for celiac complications. I've fifty-fifty met some of my best friends over the web. 

That's not to say, however, that the gluten gratuitous community is perfect. In fact, the to a greater extent than celiac back upwards Facebook groups I join, the to a greater extent than apparent the cracks inwards our community conduct keep become. 

ve received from the gluten gratuitous together with celiac community When the Gluten Free Community is Part of the Problem

What am I talking about?

Celiacs who attack their beau gluten gratuitous eaters for craving a popular tart or chicken wings

Celiacs (or gluten intolerants, etc) who believe that their diet is the exclusively agency a celiac should consume together with tin hand the axe heal

Celiacs who promote "gluten free" products without giving full disclosure of past issues amongst cross contamination or who promote products that don't really align amongst their brand.

Celiacs who "cheat"...and spread the message that a "little gluten" doesn't hurt. (It does).

The listing goes on together with on - every bit i should expect, I suppose. After all, nosotros all may conduct keep celiac illness but we're too exactly humans amongst our ain faults, blind spots together with egos. 

ve received from the gluten gratuitous together with celiac community When the Gluten Free Community is Part of the Problem

Even amongst these problems, I would never desire to locomote out the online celiac community. However, I conduct keep hopes that an fifty-fifty stronger i volition emerge inwards the future. One where:

We holler upwards to survive empathetic. Sure, you lot may believe that people should exactly "get over" their cravings for onetime gluten-filled favorites. (Yes, I've read comments that said that). And, possibly 364 days out of the year, they do. But cravings are a purpose of beingness human...and, to set it bluntly, they sometimes suck. I've cried over non beingness able to consume a "regular" tortilla earlier - together with I in all probability will again. So I won't expression downwards on some other celiac (especially a newly diagnosed one) for doing the same. 

We conduct keep that different gluten gratuitous diets operate for dissimilar celiacs. As restrictive every bit the gluten gratuitous diet may initially sound, in that place are countless options - together with countless dissimilar "sub-diets." Maybe next the autoimmune paleo protocol works best for you. Maybe you lot prefer eating a plant based diet. Or possibly you lot consume intuitively, enjoying plenty of fruits together with veggies but too your fair portion of processed gluten gratuitous foods. Sure, if a celiac asks, I promise nosotros tell them what diet works for us. We exactly demand to holler upwards that what works for us isn't necessarily the golden dominion for every celiac. The exclusively requirement? Eat gluten free! For your wellness together with other people's agreement of celiac.

ve received from the gluten gratuitous together with celiac community When the Gluten Free Community is Part of the Problem
I've eaten all of these through the years since my diagnosis...
together with they're all 100% OK!
Similarly, nosotros don't shame people for their"unhealthy" choices. We're lucky. Compared to years ago, celiacs tin hand the axe break gluten gratuitous alternatives to most treats, from cake to cookies to popular tarts. Does that hateful celiacs should alive off these processed foods? Probably not. Does that hateful you lot should shame a mom for looking for gluten gratuitous chicken nuggets or cacao puffs for her celiac child? Heck no. 

We - every bit bloggers - remember who we're actually serving: the gluten gratuitous community. As my spider web log has grown, I've sure enough experienced my fair portion of tempting offers from companies. I'll acknowledge that, inwards the beginning, I fifty-fifty (wrongly) promoted products that I didn't totally love. The to a greater extent than readers I've connected with, though, the to a greater extent than I've remembered that I am a spokesperson for the celiac community, no affair how repose my vocalisation may be. I conduct keep a responsibility - to myself together with my readers - to holler upwards my blog's mission every bit I'm making partnership together with sponsored post decisions. Sure, making money is nice. But beingness a trusted figurehead of the celiac community is priceless

This isn't meant to survive a negative post service or i that bashes sure people inwards our community. I only desire to raise awareness of some of the issues I've observed - together with portion the hopes I conduct keep for the celiac community's future. 

ve received from the gluten gratuitous together with celiac community When the Gluten Free Community is Part of the Problem

The truth is, living gluten gratuitous is hard plenty every bit it is. On a daily basis, nosotros demand to break safe food and, to a greater extent than oftentimes than not, bargain amongst the confused or judgemental stares of strangers - or fifty-fifty friends together with household unit of measurement - who don't understand our dietary needs. We don't demand our beau celiacs/gluten-intolerants/food allergy warriors inwards arms adding to our load

When I was inwards the hospital, chained to the bed amongst an IV inwards my arm together with a feeding subway upwards my nose, I establish solace inwards the support of celiacs from around the world. Let's build sure nosotros tin hand the axe hand novel or futurity celiacs that same lifeline

*Also establish at Wow Me Wednesday, Dare to Share*

Have you lot always been or witnessed dietary shaming? What are you lot most thankful for inwards the celiac community? Tell me your thoughts below! 

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